
Social Networking

As mentioned in my previous post, social networking has become an essential tool for all businesses. Companies use social networks as a way to keep in touch with their consumers and inform them of any updates or new inventory. In this way, social networking can be viewed as a source of free advertising. Furthermore, it allows companies to easily receive consumer insight, which can be used to modify products and services.  The danger of social networking for businesses is that it neglects to filter the useful insight from the nonsensical. A vocal minority does not necessarily represent a wise majority. With this said, businesses need to take each consumer insight with a grain of salt and figure out what makes sense and what doesn’t. As long as a business doesn’t run away with an idea just because it was promoted on social media, the concept of consumer feedback should be overall beneficial in the long run.
       Social Networks are also used as a common news outlet. Breaking news and trends now almost always start on social media, where the public will also comment on said news and trends. According to the New York Times articles, Getting the Most Out of Twitter, social networks such as Twitter have become more useful “as a way to tap in to the discussions of the day than to broadcast their own thoughts.” Although social media is known for providing an outlet to be vocal, one does not have to write so much as a tweet to reap the benefits of the site. However, with all the information buzzing around on social media, one is bound to have an opinion they’re compelled to share with the world. 


Check Out Social Networking Sites

Around the year 2006, when MySpace was at it’s peak in popularity, the site was known largely as a way to stay in touch with friends and even make some new ones. The number of comments on an uploaded photo was used as a measure of popularity. Now, however, in fierce competition with a plethora of social networking sites, MySpace seems to have redefined itself as an outlet for new music. Though the tools to upload photos and comment on each other’s profiles are still available, the company has zoned in on something that can set it apart from its rivals and give it a unique identity. Friendster, another social networking site, took a similar approach; though instead of zoning in on music, their focus is mostly on video games. Twitter has become an essential tool for all businesses. Even politicians are expected to maintain a Twitter account with which they update the public on reform, public appearances, and progress during a campaign. Celebrities use Twitter as a way to connect with their fans. Before the age of new media, celebrities were rarely viewed as real people who endure the day-to-day struggles of common life. Now, however, celebrities can publicize their daily frustrations, thus humanizing them and making their fans feel personally connected. Facebook continues to trump the competition when it comes to social relations. It has established itself as almost a necessity to function in modern society. Facebook is used to track down old friends and relatives, share photos, manage social events, and maintain client/business relations the way Twitter does. The question “do you have Facebook” has been replaced by “what is your Facebook name,” because it is assumed, at this point, that everybody has one. 


Blogs vs. Wikis

According to Kathy E. Gill, blogs can be described as a regularly updated form of reverse chronological journalism, which offers links to related content across the internet and tends to be written with a sense of the author’s voice. Blogs may feature more than one author (http://faculty.washington.edu/kegill/pub/www2004_blogosphere_gill.pdf). Similarly, Wikipedia defines a wiki as a collaborative content management system which focuses on a specific topic. Unlike a blog however, a wiki does not usually have an owner or leader, but adapts to the needs of its users. The structure of a wiki reflects the use cases of its viewers and editors (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki).

The ability to collaborate on blog or wiki entries has enabled an unprecedented flow of information around the world. Blogs with multiple authors collaborating together may allow for a large collection of work with a distinctly unique voice, and some feature comment sections to allow for viewers to participate directly in content creation in addition to consumption.

Wikis by nature are intended to be collaborative and there is virtually no limit to the topics they may cover.